Oh another week...
I don't have to start work in the afternoon now! I start in the morning again. I'm pretty happy about that. Well I met up with 2 of my best buddies from high school on Saturday. I haven't seen them in 2 years but they are still the same girls as I remember. I will try to keep in touch with them! Everyone just seems so busy these days. I guess we're all growing up.
I went to my backyard the other day since the weather was SOOoo NICE! Then I saw the bike I used during my college years laying on the ground. It used to be such a cute light blue beach cruiser but look at it now! It's all rusty and dead now. I should have taken better care of it. I haven't biked in ages either...
I also tried some gadgets recently. I went to the Daiso a few weeks ago and saw this nose roller that's supposed to thin out my nose and make it appear higher. So here is the pic of it with some nail glitter that I haven't even opened yet.

So what do I think of it? I think it's useless unless I'm using it wrong. It made my nose so red and it was a bit swollen too. I hate how my nose is but I don't think this will work for me. It was fun to try anyway.
I also got the Clarisonic!! It was actually a gift so I tried it last night. It worked so well! My face was so smooth after and it felt great while I was using it. Sounds gross but I haven't exfoliated my face in ages!! I was thinking of buying a exfoliator but this works! I used it with the face wash it came with. Smelled great and didn't break my face out.
The charger is cool too! It's not pictured here though!
So that's it for today!
Ah, now I feel like exfoliating, haha.
aww i always feel that way about my bike too!! my sister left it outside and it rusted =( yours is still pretty though !! maybe there is a way to clean rust?
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